Polyethylene thermal sleeve and corrugated cardboard
Delivery information
Our company is very attentive to the delivery of goods. MetMebel Company tries to save time and forces of its customers by all means, for this reason we do our best to make delivery of products as much as possible convenient and fast for the customers.
To deliver your purchases to Europe, we offer to use the services of a logistics company and pick up your products from our warehouse in Poland.
Bank transfer
This is a convenient way of payment for legal entities and individuals. If you choose this method of payment you
will receive an invoice with our details and purchase details. This bill can be paid in any bank. Attention!
Some banks charge a fee for payments. Usually the bank payment is credited no longer than in 24 hours (working
Dotpay and PayPal
Online payments are a fast and secure way to pay for your purchase.
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